customer loyalty


Through targeted communication channels you can build customer loyalty. Qualitelis algorythm gives you the ability to meet your guest’s expectations by adjusting your offers to their profiles, creating a connection between them and you.
 Crating lasting connections is important for all parties involved.




Even when they are not there, connections can be kept from a distance 
Qualitelis optimises your customer database.
Now you know who they are and how to stay in touch with them. 


  Broadcast automated and
targeted promotional coupons

based on guest responses.

Send targeted email campaigns
Target the right segments by writing the appropriate content
before sending.     

Concret & tangible benefits for you


  • A clean and updated database
  • Automated loyalty program
  • Increase the number of direct bookings
  • API connectivities


Guest’s feel like their needs have been anticipated  through specific proposals and personalised offers,
inclining them to seize the opportunity.

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